I've been planning this blog post for over four months now. Everyday thinking a little bit and planning the profound statements I was going to make about my discoveries in fatherhood. I meant to write this at two weeks, then three weeks, and then one month. At first there wasn't a whole lot to write about. Sure we had a rough go the first few days in the hospital. And having someone completely dependent on me when I frequently can't depend on myself required a whole change of thinking. But as bad as it sounds to say it baby time was almost a chore.
Then around six or seven weeks life with Abby took a noticeable turn on, of all places, the changing table. What was once a crying session so intense she could barely breath and beads of sweat covered her forehead suddenly became happy time to play with her feet and reach for the curtains. She also started to respond to questions and smile at familiar faces. While she'd always made good eye contact and smiled a lot, you could tell there was some thought behind her responses now. Knowing all the love we'd given her was finally loving us back was just the inspiration needed for a great blog post.
So why didn't I blog about all this two and a half months ago? In the time it takes to write a post there's a good chance I'd miss something.
In 19 weeks Abby has gone from a little bundle of joy who mostly slept and pooped

to an inquisitive and exceptionally cheerful little person.

Her squinty-eyed, chubby cheek smile can interrupt even the most serious conversation

and her big blue eyes are a constant source of amazement to her brown eyed parents.

For 35 years and 9 days I was free. Free to eat what I wanted when I wanted it. Free to sleep when I wanted. Free to take random road trips thru the southwest and free to update my blog when I wanted. While I did give up a little bit of freedom for friends and family, and shared a little bit more over the past three wonderful years with Miranda, in the end I did what made me happy. But nothing has made me happier than the daughter who now dominates my life.