Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday Night Lights

You'd think I'd learn. For as much as I've talked about taking advantage of all the timely photo opportunities nearby I still seem to find a way to blow it when the time is right. That sunflower field and old oak I thought would make a great photo when the flowers were in bloom probably would have, if I had made it out there in time. My first return to the field to check on the sunflowers was on what I thought might be the last day with clouds for the summer, hoping I could match an interesting sky with an interesting subject. But only a few of the flowers had opened and a return trip would be necessary.

About two weeks later I looked out the window in the morning and saw patches of clouds, the timing seemed perfect. As I headed north of Woodland several other sunflower fields were in perfect bloom, giant seas of gold soaking up the sun. It was going to be my lucky day. But when I turned down that old county road the color I had hoped for wasn't there. The big flowers had already begun to droop, their heads too heavy with seeds. Although I wasn't going to get the picture I was hoping for I couldn't let the 20 minute drive and puffy clouds go to waste. I started shooting with the artsy half of my brain, shallow depth of field, slight vignetting, etc.

But sunflowers just have that 'cute' appeal so I changed moods and let the flowers have their play day in the sun.

While the sunflowers that dominate the land around town peak for only a few weeks there is one constant that lasts all spring and summer, saturday night River Cats fireworks. For the past 4 or 5 years I'd stuck with the tried and true shot of the Tower Bridge and fireworks from the waterfront. Each year a new camera or lens helped me make slight improvements on previous shoots. This year I gave up the comfort spot and tried some new positions.

First I headed down the Capitol Mall for a distant view. It was a nice shot but a little cluttered with light poles and signs.

Mir and Abby tagged along with me for the July 3rd show. This time we watched from the Capitol Mall on the I5 overpass. We got Abby to wake up in time for a great show.

While it was fun having the family with me for a few minutes of fireworks I'd really been wanting to give Mir a nice night on the town. And what I surmised from these other views of the bridge was that there was probably a really nice view of the show from the top floor of the Embassy Suites hotel overlooking the bridge. So I made reservations for the next saturday. In exchange for dinner at Fat's and dessert at Il Fornaio, Mir became my camera assistant and held up a black shirt by the cameras to block reflections in the window.

A great finale for a great evening with my lovely girls, even though Abby slept thru the show.

There's one Saturday game left this season, one more time to take a new look at a an always spectacular view.

1 comment:

The Official Clog Blog said...

Such fun times with you and fireworks! Can't wait for this Saturday evening!